
irmãos guerra filmes

pt / en

show something else

video by Helena Guerra

performance, jul 2014

Mostra Outra Coisa (Show Something Else) in Casa do Cactus 19/07/2014

Produced by Thaisdimarco and Giovanni Pirelli

The Casa do Cactus promotes the first edition of Mostra Outra Coisa.

The exhibition has as an objective the sharing works of new creators in the artistic scenario of São Paulo. With emphasis in in the exchange between dance, theater and performance, the exhibition strives to subvert those kinds of categorizations, promoting a space where other ways of make and think creation are possible.

In it’s first edition, the exhibition have the participation of the resident artists of the 4th edition of the platform “Exercícios Compartilhados” (“Shared Exercises”). Under the general orientation of the São Paulo choreographer Adriana Grechi, each one of the participating artists have elaborated his own proposal, shared interests and artistic practices and inquired in group questions connected to the investigative focus, the experimentation, the corporeality, the invention and the dramaturgy.

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directed by Irmãos Guerra

vulgar , oct 2018
