
irmãos guerra filmes

pt / en


directed by Helena Guerra

shortmovie, aug 2009

José sells peanuts at the Zoo, in São Paulo. He is part of the show and he feels fine in it. One day, though, the Zoo is closed and José is left helpless. He tries selling his peanuts in the street, but his contacts lack affection. It doesn't take long for him to lose himself in the city. (8', digital)

written and directed Helena Guerra
cinematographer Daniel Belinky
art director Ciça Fonseca
producer director Joyce Fernandes
assistant director Andréia Fischer
edited by Helena Guerra
casting Guilherme Sant'anna
produced by Irmãos Guerra Filmes e Joha Filmes


best shormovie 7ª Mostra de curtas PUC-Rio, 2010
best shormovie Prêmio Lustig 2010 FAAP, São Paulo SP

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directed by Irmãos Guerra

vulgar , oct 2018
